Breaking Barriers Around Direct Certification

Are you interested in learning how Louisiana, once a state with one of the lowest direct certification rates, is now achieving and sustaining a 100% direct certification rate? Viewers will also learn about Louisiana’s journey on:

  • How the LDOE directly certifies public and most private school students to eligible meal benefits
  • How the LDOE maximizes Community Eligibility Provision
  • Key functionality that the LDOE wanted in a food and nutrition solution
  • The vision of direct certification and community eligibility provision in Louisiana

eScholar DirectMatch was developed by the LDOE and eScholar to support states, local education agencies, and local school food authorities to identify every single eligible child for free and reduced-price school meals in one, seamless solution.  By deploying eScholar DirectMatch to directly certify students for free and reduced-price school meals and match for community eligibility provision, states can drastically improve their direct certification rate to increase their reimbursement and feed eligible entire schools, groups of schools, and districts.

Presenters include John Dupre, Director of Nutrition Support for the Louisiana Department of Education, Courtney Neubauer, Education Program Consultant for the Louisiana Department of Education, and Andrea Hartman, Director of Product Management for eScholar.




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