Explore How eScholar Supports States and Districts

Fort Wayne Community Schools, Indiana: Student Reports to Human Capital Management

Fort Wayne Community Schools (FWCS) leverages longitudinal data to power decision-making across the district. From student profile reports to teacher evaluation, learn how FWCS uses the eScholar CDW to collect and manage a broad scope of data that provides insight and transparency.

The New Mexico Public Education Department: Early Childhood Integrated Data System

The New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED) had a grand vision: Give every child in New Mexico an equal opportunity for success by building an integrated data system that would enable policymakers to make informed decisions about early childhood programs and policies.

In partnership with eScholar, led by NMPED, and funded by a Race to the Top-Early Learning Challenge (RTT-ELC) grant, just such an integrated data system became possible. In 2017, NMPED implemented the Early Childhood Integrated Data System (ECIDS), created in genuine collaboration among NMPED; Child, Youth, and Families Department (CYFD); and the New Mexico Department of Health (DOH). This overview will provide an overview of the project milestones and learning experiences of the ECIDS development and implementation.

The Louisiana Department of Education: Direct Certification and CEP

With the enactment of one of the U. S.’s strictest privacy laws, Act 837, the Louisiana Department of Education was prevented from receiving or accessing student personally identifiable information (PII) which is imperative to the matching and certification process. The law required LDOE to create a system of unique student identification numbers not based on social security numbers, and students must retain their unique identifiers throughout their tenure in Louisiana public schools. It also required LEAs to assign unique student identification numbers to all students enrolled in public schools.

Learn how LDOE chose a new unique identifier and how they reached and sustained 100% direct certification and expanded community eligibility provision.

The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction: P20W Data System

The longitudinal design of a P20W system allows stakeholders to evaluate long-term outcomes for students. With a P20W system, states can evaluate programs, policies and analyze costs and expenses. The challenge many states face is how to bring data together in a secure and effective way. This case study will take a closer look at North Carolina’s journey to implement a P20W system.

The Pennsylvania Department of Education: Using a SLDS to Generate CTE Programs and Outcomes

With many states expanding their Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs, states are exploring how to leverage the infrastructure of their statewide longitudinal data systems (SLDS) to collect, integrate, and report CTE data. The passage of Perkins V provides additional funding to states, but also requires the collection and reporting of additional CTE data. Download this case study to learn how Pennsylvania is using data to support CTE programming, analysis, and reporting.

The Pennsylvania Department of Education: Early Childhood to K12 and Linking Data

Numerous research studies have shown that early childhood education provides a strong foundation for future success. Early childhood education (ECE) programs, such as Head Start and home visiting services, have been shown to improve education outcomes in various ways. Learn how Pennsylvania is calculating unduplicated counts, linking Early Childhood to K12 data, and improving their education outcomes using a unique identifier.

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