As the most widely implemented identifier solution available, eScholar Person ID enables state agencies to accurately assign, link, and manage non-personally identifiable unique identifiers to all persons. eScholar Person ID is a powerful solution that assigns unique identification numbers to individuals and can be used to track individual records across time, geography, and source systems.
In 2014, a new privacy law was enacted in Louisiana. Act 837 was one of the strictest student privacy laws in the U.S. and required the Louisiana Department of Education (LDOE) to create a system of unique student identification numbers not based on social security numbers. Learn how LDOE overcame this challenge and embarked on leveraging the power of eScholar Uniq-ID to link data from birth to early childhood to K12 to Postsecondary.
The eScholar Uniq-ID is a powerful application that assigns unique identification numbers to individuals across the entire P20W continuum. It assigns a unique identifier that can be used to track individual records across time, geography, and source systems. The eScholar Uniq-ID has been used to create over 37 million unique person IDs for ten states.
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