eScholar is a proud sponsor and presenter at this year’s New Mexico Public Education Department Data Conference.
It is being held at the Hyatt Regency Tamaya Resort and Spa on April 13th-15th. We will also be hosting an evening reception on the veranda for all conference attendees.
Don’t miss our presentations, click here to download the agenda.
New Mexico was one of the first states to use eScholar Complete Data Warehouse to generate its EDEN data files.
In 2005, the New Mexico Public Education Department issued a request for proposals for the implementation of Student Teacher Accountability Reporting System. The Department was also seeking a commercial off-the-shelf solution with minimal customization, capable of scaling to state implementation levels. The eScholar CDW solution was selected with Deloitte as the prime contractor. Not long into the project, NMPED recognized the need for a more robust student ID system and purchased eScholar Uniq-ID® for Students. As STARS began to populate additional domains of data into the data warehouse, NMPED realized that it contained much of the data that would be needed to calculate Adequate Yearly Progress and Highly Qualified Teachers data, as well as the EDEN files.
The data warehouse now includes state, district, and school information, student demographics, assessments, groups and program participation, and general ledger data. Prior to implementing CDW as part of STARS, NMPED averaged about 1 week per file to generate 50 files. The STARS implementation of the CDW continues to grow. There are still some requirements for EDEN files for which the data have not been loaded. For example, data for discipline, violence, and vandalism are still stored in an Access database. Currently there are approximately 30 out of the 85 files required for EDEN that are built from the CDW. As the STARS data warehouse continues to grow, it will be able to provide even more files.
We recently also joined New Mexico on an Early Childhood Integrated Data Systems project as well.
We look forward to seeing you there!