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Document Overview


The purpose of this document is to provide a list and description of the significant new features in Version 10.0 of the eScholar Uniq-ID® (eUID) system.  The list will include descriptions and, where appropriate, screenshots.

Release Information

eUID Version 10.0 will be available in August, 2016.  This release will include all eScholar Uniq-ID documentation including User Guide, Administrator Guide, System Administrator Guide, Restore Guide, Installation Guides, and any other guide necessary to support the upgrade.

New Features Overview

The enhancements for eUID release v10.0.0 include:

  1. Batch File Format v3.0 (page 4)
  2. Person Types – Merged Student and Staff Applications (page 13)
  3. Multiple Location Assignments (page 15)
  4. Enrollment Events (page 16)
  5. Exact Match Rule per Source (page 17)
  6. Near Match Resolution – Same SSN (page 18)